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Preventive Care

What is Preventive Care?

Preventive Care helps detect or prevent serious diseases and medical problems before they can become major.

It includes:

  • Annual Physicals

  • Well Woman Exams

  • Immunizations

  • Well-Child Exams

  • Medicare Annual Wellness visits

  • Specialty Preventive Screening Services:

    • ABI Testing

    • Yearly Retinal Eye Exam

    • EKG

    • Carotid Doppler

    • Pulmonary Function Test

    • Screening Echocardiogram

    • Abdominal Doppler

At Elite Care Clinic we place as much importance on Preventive Care as treating a patient for illness and disease.

Preventive Care allows us to assess the whole person, including habits and lifestyle, genetic comorbidities and mind, body, spiritual balance.  When we take a closer look at one’s overall health and spend time with the patient, learning more about their goals, aspirations and life’s purpose, together, we can “turn on” a healthy outlook that manifests itself from within.


We know that outside stressors such as work, money, and perhaps the day-to-day responsibilities of being a husband, wife, parent, etc., can cause inflammation.  We also know that inflammation can be the root of all disease.  Even low-grade inflammation is known to be associated with most chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and cancer.   Isn’t it best to get a handle on the stress before these ailments set in?  It sounds easier said than done – but with the right health care provider, Preventive Care can make the ultimate difference in one’s life and for those in their circle.

Here are 3 examples of how stress becomes disease –

1. Life becomes hectic – you find yourself rushing from work > home > shuttling the kids here and there.  Unfortunately, no time for supper, so you stop for a quick fix of fast food.  But did you know that fast food stimulates inflammation?  The immune system responds to a fast food-style diet similarly as it would react to bacterial infection.  A regular diet of fast-food causes obesity and high sodium intake causes hypertension.  It’s a domino-effect we can live (more healthfully) without.  So how do we change that?  Read our blog article about the Benefits of Food Prep 

2. Work is a nightmare.  Your boss is demanding, and co-workers keep piling on more.  Long hours and “off to the races” mentality each morning in a mad dash to get to a job you find unpleasant is impacting your sleep and disposition in a negative way.  Studies have found that not getting enough sleep triggers a wide range of inflammatory reactions.  During a quality sleep cycle – 8 hours is best – your body repairs cells, recovers muscles and refreshes the body.  Good sleep is the equivalent of your body performing basic housekeeping functions including reducing inflammation.  What are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep?  Read our blog article here.

3. Medication Overload!  Sometimes when a patient comes in for the first visit, we learn that they are seeing 2 or 3 specialists for different reasons.  Each one prescribed medication but the patient still is not feeling well.  They are feeling fatigued, sluggish and in some cases, gaining weight.  Pure and simple:  Medication overload and taking prescription drugs cause side effects that can negatively impact success rates.  At Elite Care Clinic, we work with your team of specialists to identify medication misfires.  Medication management is key to getting on the right course, your road to recovery – and can also enable the patient to wean away from unnecessary medication overload