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Chronic Disease

What is Chronic Disease?

Defined broadly, a chronic condition or disease lasts one year or more and requires ongoing medical attention.  Chronic disease limits activities of daily living.  Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the US.  What can we do about it?  At Elite Care Clinic, so many things!

At Elite Care Clinic, our approach is science-based and disciplined. back-pain We gather all the information – that means we want to get to know you!  Your medical and health history data is important to us.  When Dr. Gamboa meets you for the first time, she may ask you questions such as “How are things at work?  Home? How are the kids, are you exercising, are you seeing your therapist” and the list goes on!  Why is that important?  Because we are humans.  Our lives are made up of many components and each one intersects with the others.  

  1. As humans, we experience life through our senses:  sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.  If one of these is out of whack, it becomes a clue as to wherein lies the imbalance.  Dr. Gamboa believes in neuroscience or brain to heart connectedness that signals emotion.  How does emotion impact our health?   Emotions and the freedom to express ourselves has no bearing on our health – but conversely NOT expressing our emotions or repression can zap energy, cause fatigue and yes – you guessed it, can lead to inflammation.  Do you desire some balance in your life?  Elite Care Clinic is a great place to begin.