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Office Policies

office-policiesThank you for choosing Elite Care Clinic. We realize that you have a choice in medical providers and are pleased that you have chosen to seek care with us. The staff at Elite Care Clinic strives to exceed expectations in care and service in order to make your experience with us as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Our goal is to provide personalized and high quality medical care in a timely manner. In order to do so we have implemented an appointment/cancellation policy. The policy enables us to better utilize available appointments for our patients in need of medical care. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions regarding our policies.


Our office is open Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Friday and Saturday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and we may be reached at (469) 947-6020. Dr Gamboa is on call after hours and can be reached for urgent medical problems by calling our phone number and following the prompts. If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you need an appointment, prescription refill or test results, please call during regular business hours.


Elite Care Clinic is committed to providing quality care to our patients.

To ensure that each patient is given the proper amount of time allotted for their visit and to provide the highest quality of care, it is very important for each scheduled patient to arrive on time to their visit.

For NEW patients, we kindly request to fill out patient forms BEFORE their appointment. Instructions will be provided at the time appointment is scheduled.

We are able to accommodate same day sick appointments.

A parent or legal guardian must accompany all patients under 17 years of age on all office visits.

To ensure timely continued care, we encourage patients to schedule appointments in advance of followup due dates. When calling for an appointment, please provide your name, telephone number, reason for visit, as well as any updated contact or insurance information. While we strive to schedule appointments appropriately, emergencies can and do occur in Primary Care. We strive to give all of our patients the time that they require. For this reason, we kindly request your patience and understanding should a delay or rescheduling become necessary on your appointment date.

To ensure quality care, Elite Care Clinic, does not treat patients we have not seen (i.e., we will not offer medical advice for patients prior to their initial visit). We encourage you to schedule appointments for preventative care visits such as annual physicals and well woman exams, chronic medical conditions, prescription renewals and sick visits.

We recommend making appointments for nurse visits for services such as immunizations, blood draws, blood pressure checks, injection teaching, etc.

Reminder calls/texts are made 3 days prior to the  appointment and on the day of the appointment. These are COURTESY calls. Patients are responsible for arriving to their appointments on the correct day, at the correct time.

Patients arriving late for an appointment by 15 minutes or more may need to reschedule.

CANCELLATION OF AN APPOINTMENT                                           

In order to be respectful of the medical needs of our patients please be courteous and call Elite Care Clinic promptly if you are unable to attend an appointment. This time will be reallocated to someone who is in need of treatment. This is how we can best serve the needs of our patients.

We understand there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or other obligations. If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment we require that you call 24 hrs (1 business day) in advance. Your early cancellation will give another person the ability to have access to timely medical care.


A “No Show” is someone who misses an appointment without canceling it within one (1) business day in advance. No-shows inconvenience those individuals who need access to medical care in a timely manner. A failure to attend to your scheduled appointment and/or cancel it one (1) business day in advance will be recorded in your medical chart as a “No Show” and you will be charged an administrative fee of $50.00 that is NOT covered by insurance.Three (3) “No-Shows” within one (1) calendar year will result in a temporary suspension of services and you will receive a letter. In order to reinstate services, you will be required to meet with your Primary Care Physician within 30 days of the third no show to evaluate your situation. In the event you do not respond and/or schedule an appointment within 30 days, we will consider your patient status as terminated


Elite Care Clinic is pleased to provide our patients with online access to their health information through our Patient Portal.   By creating an account you can:

  • View details about your upcoming appointments with our practice
  • View Office Notes, Lab Results, Pay Bills and Request Appointments
  • Exchange secure messages with our staff
  • Request Prescription Refills
  • Update your contact and insurance information

To access the Patient Portal, patients must speak to a staff member for an invitation code


We understand that at times, various forms or letters may be required to assist you with your health-care needs. The staff at Elite Care Clinic will be happy to complete forms and write medical letters as necessary upon your request. However, because forms such as FMLA, Short term disability, etc can be complex and very specific, we kindly request to make an appointment to ensure proper completion of these forms. Please make sure to either email or fax those forms in advance so they are available at the time of your appointment.

Please ensure all forms have been signed, have patients name, date of birth and contact information completed before submitting to us.

Patient forms and letters may take up to 7 business days  for completion.


Per HIPAA guidelines, copies of medical records MUST be requested in writing. To ensure your privacy, Elite Care Clinic has a Records Release form for this purpose and needs to be completed prior to receipt of these materials. All patients can request an electronic copy of their medical records one time, free of charge. Additional copies may be requested and will be subject to fees as allowed by law at a cost of $0.75 per page.

Requests for medical records by insurances or attorneys on your behalf may also be subject to fees.

The law allows Medical Offices 30 days to complete requests for records. However, our office puts forth every effort to respond to these requests in a timely manner.


Please inform Elite Care Clinic  of which Pharmacy you use and update us if this should change.


Please call your pharmacy FIRST so we can receive an electronic request and expedite the process. And if no refills are remaining, please call our office during office hours.

All requests received after 4 pm are considered next day requests. Holidays and weekends will also delay these requests.  For these reasons, please give appropriate advance notice of refill needs.

Please allow one to two business days for routine refill requests, however, this may be longer if your insurance company requires a Prior Authorization.

We encourage our patients to review their medications prior to their office appointments and to request refills at that time, if needed.


Please note that we do NOT fill Narcotic Medications or other controlled medications over the phone. Our office does not routinely order Narcotic Pain Medicine, therefore you may be required to obtain these medications through Pain Management.

New Prescriptions Requests require a visit with a Provider. No exceptions.

Requests to change current Prescriptions may require a visit.


Elite Care Clinic accepts most insurance plans. If you have specific questions regarding your insurance, please contact our billing department at 817-717-8895. It is the patient’s responsibility to inform our office of ANY changes in insurance coverage. Failure to do so could cause delay or denial of insurance payment. Patients are responsible for co-pays at time of service. If applicable, you will be billed for services not covered by your insurance (as stated in your insurance contract) by our billing department.


All Patients must furnish up-to-date and valid insurance coverage at each visit. If this is not provided, and insurance is not valid or has expired, you will be financially responsible for all charges.  If you are enrolled in an insurance plan, we are required by law to file claims with them and cannot accept individual payments for service.



Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. Knowing your benefits is your responsibility If your insurance requires you to select a provider, you MUST do that with your insurance company before your visit.  We are not able to do this for you. If this is not done before your appointment, your insurance may not pay for the charges and you will be responsible to pay these in full.

Please be aware that some services may not be covered under your insurance. Any charges denied by insurance as non-covered are the responsibility of the patient. Elite Care Clinic will not misrepresent your non-covered service in order to obtain payments from your insurance company.


The role insurance carriers play in the delivery of patient care is a result of today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment. Some insurance companies restrict us in certain ways. Examples of such restrictions include the medications we can prescribe, specialists you may be referred to, and the frequency and type of services we provide to you.

It is always the patient’s responsibility to know exactly which services are covered by their insurance plan. If you have questions about your insurance provider’s coverage, we encourage you to contact the customer service representative at your insurance company prior to your appointment.

If you do have insurance coverage, we will submit the claim to your insurance company. You may receive a bill in the mail reflecting any outstanding balance after insurance has paid on your claim. To remain in good standing, this bill should be paid within 30 days of the invoice date.

If you do have an HMO insurance that does not list Dr Gamboa as your Primary Care Physician (PCP), you must pay for services at the time of your visit. You may contact your customer service representative at your insurance company to change your PCP.

If you are uninsured, Self-Pay patients are expected to pay in full at the time of service. We offer a discount for office visits only on the day of service and if needed a payment plan can be arranged, providing there is no outstanding prior balance due.

All copays are due upon check in for your appointment.

As the recipient of services rendered, ultimately you are financially responsible for all services rendered to you. By agreeing to accept service, you also accept the financial responsibility for this service. 

To Discuss a Bill

Please call (469) 947 – 6020 to reach our Billing Office or send an email to billing@elitecare-clinic.com with any questions.


Elite Care Clinic accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. It is the policy of Elite Care Clinic to make all reasonable attempts to collect outstanding balances’ should they accrue, including, convenient payment arrangements. Following these attempts, accounts in poor standing will be outsourced to a third party for the purpose of collection.


Elite Care Clinic does NOT bill any third party Liability or Auto Insurances.


Preventative Care Visits (aka Yearly Exams, Annual Physicals, Well Woman exams) are health care visits. These appointments are for well patients. Many insurances cover these in full without co-pay or deductibles applied.

If you are coming to your Preventative Care Visit with a list of NEW problems or concerns, we must also claim these problems with your insurance company. These new problems will be subject to co-pays and deductibles, and therefore a scheduled Preventative Care Visit may not be covered in full by your insurance.  You may receive an additional charge for this service


If your insurance requires a referral, it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure this is done prior to any appointment with a specialist. Patients will be responsible for any charges incurred for specialist appointments.

If you are requesting a referral to a specialist for a NEW problem that you have not been seen in our office for, a visit may be required.

Please notify our office at least 5-7 business days in advance of your upcoming specialist appointment.


All clinical questions will be directed to the Medical Assistant working with Dr. Gamboa.

Medical assistants usually return morning calls at the noontime break; afternoon callbacks are made at the close of the day. All messages left with the Medical Assistant after 4 pm, will be answered the next business day.



It may take up to 3-5 business days for your labs or imaging results to be available. If there is an abnormal result with your test, and needs prompt attention, you will be contacted by the office within 24-48 hrs. Otherwise, you can expect a written notification through the Patient Portal within 5-10 business days

Our clinical staff will make every effort to notify you of these results as soon as they are processed and reviewed by Dr. Gamboa.

Some labs (i.e. Lyme testing, stool samples, cultures) and imaging tests (MRI’s and CT Scans) may take longer to process.

To ensure quality care, some labs and imaging tests will require a follow up appointment for the review and discussion of the results, so an effective and appropriate treatment plan can be developed.

We only contact patients with results for testing we have ordered. If your testing was ordered by another provider outside of Elite Care Clinic, please contact the ordering provider for results.